event attendee connecting to higher self

Forging a Stronger Higher Self Connection

In our always-on, ever-connected world, we often overlook the most important type of connection: our connection to our Higher Selves – that wise, compassionate part of ourselves (feel free to…

How Love Notes Can Reprogram the Subconscious

A Simple Practice to Reprogram Your Mind: Personal Love Notes On this special day, we want to share a fun practice where we createĀ lasting impressions of self-love that will stay…

5 Reasons to Brain Train While You Sleep

We spend nearly one third of our lives sleeping and most of our waking hours trying to avoid sleep by drinking coffee and energy drinks. Why are we so determined…
loving and accepting others

Loving & Accepting Others Just as They Are

Potluck suppers, cocktail hours, family gatherings, park playdates, brunch with friends… Phew. All of this togetherness is a wonderful, joyous thing. But, it can also lead to a little friction.…