A Simple Practice to Reprogram Your Mind: Personal Love Notes
On this special day, we want to share a fun practice where we create lasting impressions of self-love that will stay with you throughout the season and beyond. This activity is very simple, taking less than 5 minutes, and transcends many complex practices in effectiveness.
As you know, brain training audios are one of our favorite ways to change our lives and implement new, positive habits by reprogramming the subconscious mind.
With this practice, we’re introducing you to a NEW way to train your brain on a daily basis…
The Personal Post-It Challenge! (5 minutes)
1) Take out a small pad of Post-It notes and write down 5-10 compliments to yourself, the more specific the better.
2) Post them up around your house in places you see most often.
3) SNAP A PHOTO and post to social media with the hashtag #selflovechallenge
4) Download and listen to the Connect to Self Love Brain Training Audio [FREE DOWNLOAD].
Here are some examples of what you can write & where you can post them:
Bathroom – Every day, in every way, I get better and better!!
Sock Drawer – I love my life!
Refrigerator – I always give my best!
Steering wheel – I am proud of who I am!
Back of phone – My honesty inspires others to be honest.
Step out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to LOVE!
At first, it may be uncomfortable to write out these compliments to yourself. That’s okay! The more challenging the compliment is to give yourself, the more you probably need to hear it. And, who better to hear these beautiful appreciations from, than yourself?!
After seeing these love notes posted throughout your day, you’ll find that you actually start believing them. That’s the power of training your brain and reprogramming your subconscious mind!
If you would like to step deeper into self-love, be sure to sign up for our 30 day Self Love Challenge where we share tips just like this one to make self love a habit.
Sign up here 👉 https://quantummultiverse.world/self-love-challenge/
And, follow us on Facebook in our Joy Tribe group to raise your vibrations and spread joy around the globe.