Using the Power of the Mind to Heal the Body: Omega Healing


OmegaHealingItaly2Years ago, Dr. Roy made a deal with his acupuncture patients… if they were not fully cured after 10 sessions then their sessions would be FREE until they were healed

Well, after 1 year, more than half his practice was patients coming at no charge.

He said, “I’ve got do something about this! Why aren’t people healing fully?!”

So, he went on a mission and studied absolutely every healing modality he could find around the world…

… and he began to craft what is now known as “Omega Healing.”

Omega Healing utilizes the most effective healing strategies such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki and many other techniques to create a total healing system that operates through the power of the mind.

He knew that in order to create rapid, lasting positive change, he would have to create a method that works THROUGH the greatest power in the body… the Subconscious Mind. And he realized that healing becomes way more powerful when the patient is actively participating in the process…

So his patients started using the Omega Healing System and the results have been astounding for people all over the world… and has even helped people to overcome cancer and life-threatening illnesses.maxresdefaultHere are a few of the many ways you can benefit from this revolutionary Omega Healing System:

  • train your Subconscious Mind and your electromagnetic fields to be constantly healing yourself, regenerating cells for the prevention of disease, and creating and maintaining the youthfulness of a healthy and happy body;
  • naturally strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and connect to the “Regulator” part of your brain to reprogram it for success, vitality, rejuvenation, regeneration, success and a long, healthy life;
  • effortlessly change your beliefs so that your belief system supports you in giving instructions for what you want in your life while freeing your DNA from the negative factors of your ancestors;
  • program your autonomous nervous system to stay alert, and if necessary to intervene in a self-correcting way, while you harmonize your chakras, thus making it possible for your soul to make an evolutionary quantum leap;
  • let go of all traumatic memories from the past more easily, recall important memories more easily, and gain mastery over your actions and health;
  • communicate with the soul more easily and receive its guidance in a less complicated way;

>>See dozens of stories from people who’ve had their lives shifted by our programs:SuccessUntitled


Finally, it is very important to know that everyone every day creates cancer cells in the body. If the immune system works properly, all the cancer cells will be destroyed.

The final session of the Omega Healing System will contribute to the strengthening of the mind and the body to prevent cancer from taking hold.
 It can also be used by people who have cancer.

In treatment or therapy? When you combine these sessions with your treatment/therapy, you will heal faster and your treatment or therapy will work even better.



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