Dr. Joy Martina
Dr. Joy Martina is a psychic psychologist with an otherworldly ability to ‘see’ what you don’t even see in yourself, turn deep seated limiting belief on its head and offer swift transformation so that you can claim your power and start living the life you were meant to live.
Joy’s methods are decidedly a little woo, yet based in tangible science backed results. She commands crowds worldwide into the thousands, proving that woo works! While she takes her work very seriously, she always leads with the objective of having fun, creating joy and spreading love.
Joy has authored 7 books including her most recent bestseller, “How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life.” She has spent decades researching Intuition and uses this as the guiding force for the transformative work she does to help others step into their truth and create a life in alignment with their highest good.
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Full Moon March 12th, 2017: Time to Surrender & then Re-Emerge!
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