Digital Therapy: Healy Alaskan Gem Elixirs Database –  Part 3

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Digital Therapy:

Healy Alaskan Gem Elixirs Database –
Part 3/5


Unless you know a ton about crystals, gems and other precious stones, you must’ve learned something by now! This is the 4th post in our Alaskan Gem Elixirs series. 

In this post, as well as the previous ones, we’ve been discussing the individual frequency programs you can find in the Healy’s Alaskan Gem Elixirs Database. This database, combined with several of the other Healy Resonance-specific databases like Materia Medica and Bach Flower Remedies make up one of the Healy’s Amazing Capabilities: Digital Therapy & Homeopathy.

If you’re new to the Alaskan Gem Elixirs series, get started at the beginning by visiting this post: Digital Therapy: Healy Alaskan Gem Elixirs Database – Introduction to Gem Elixirs.


Healy Database: Alaskan Gem Elixirs 

Programs 21-30


21. Jadeite Jade

Agitated, upset; easily pulled out of center by intense experiences; attached to drama; makes things harder or more involved than they need to be; unable to accept the way things are in the moment.


Healing Qualities:
A vibration of peace, balance, and timeless simplicity; helps us stay centered in the moment with an awareness and acceptance of our true essence.


Affirmation: I recognize all forms of abundance.

Color: Black, Blue, Green, Lavender (light purple), Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow

Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra

Secondary Chakra: Root Chakra

Astrological Sign: Aries, Pisces

Numerical Vibration: Number 9


22. Kunzite

Feelings of guilt and embarrassment concerning one’s past actions; out of touch with one’s angelic presence; lack of awareness of the angelic love, guidance, and support that is available; heart closed to the flow of spiritual love coming into the body.


Healing Qualities:
Opens the heart to an awareness of one’s angelic presence; helps one experience the spiritual love of the angelic kingdom and integrate it into the physical body.


Affirmation: I release outer influences and am filled with divine love.

Color: Pink

Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra

Astrological Sign: Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus

Numerical Vibration: Number 7


23. Lapis Lazuli

Unable to hear or understand guidance and information from higher sources; difficulty communicating clearly with others, especially about the information that one has received from these sources; overwhelmed by the amount of information coming in.


Healing Qualities:
Opens and clears channels of communication in the 5th chakra; amplifies the ability to hear and understand information from physical and nonphysical sources at the same time; clears confusion between hearing and knowing.


Affirmation: I see clearly and speak with confidence.

Color: Gold (metallic yellow), Indigo (dark blue), White

Primary Chakra: Throat Chakra

Secondary Chakra: Third Eye Chakra

Astrological Sign: Libra, Sagittarius

Numerical Vibration: Number 3


24. Malachite

Weak energetic connection to the physical world; forward movement in life held up because of a lack of grounding; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of self-working at cross-purposes with each other.


Healing Qualities:
The primary grounding essence in our system; helps align the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being in a grounded and cohesive way; supports the unity of one’s being in all circumstances.


Affirmation: I welcome positive transformation into my life.

Color: Green

Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra

Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Scorpio

Numerical Vibration: Number 9


25. Moldavite

Caught up in the dualities of here or there, now or then; going out of the body for information rather than staying present to receive it; feeling separate and out of touch, especially with the higher self.


Healing Qualities:
Connectedness; an energetic window into a universal perspective; helps us stay present in the moment while accessing what we need from the higher realms to express our earthly potential.


Affirmation: I open myself to transformation and I invoke the manifestation of my highest destiny.

Color: Green

Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra

Astrological Sign: All signs

Numerical Vibration: Number 2, Number 6


26. Montana Rhodochrosite

Heart closed down after an abrupt loss or separation from a partner or loved one; feeling unsafe in the heart and wanting to escape into one’s thoughts; fearful of powerful emotions; unable to process emotions fully in the heart.


Healing Qualities:
Brings strength and solidity to the 4th chakra; clears confusion and chaos from the heart; clarifies intent and promotes courageous, heart-centered action.


Affirmation: I am clear-headed and courageous.

Color: Pink, Red

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra

Secondary Chakra:  Solar Plexus Chakra

Numerical Vibration: Number 4


27. Moonstone

Heightened psychic sensitivity during menstruation; touchy, edgy, overreactive; emotional energy blocked and difficult to express in a clear way; lack of sensitivity and intuitive awareness in men and women; hard-edged persona.


Healing Qualities:
Cleanses and circulates energy in the emotional body; increases feminine energy aspects of receptivity and intuition in women and men; balances and focuses the psychic forces during menses.


Affirmation: I am balanced and in tune to my emotions.

Color: Blue, Iridescent, White

Primary Chakra: Sacral Chakra

Secondary Chakra: Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Numerical Vibration: Number 77


28. Opal 

Burned out; insomnia from overuse of the mental forces; tiredness that is not helped by sleep; excessive use of the fire element; depletion of certain energy frequencies in the chakras and subtle bodies; vital energy reserves used up; emotional exhaustion.


Healing Qualities:
Rejuvenates spent emotional and mental forces and counteracts the depletion of color frequencies in the aura; feeds all subtle bodies with a full spectrum of luminous colors; replenishes our creative energies.


Affirmation: I am confident.

Color: Sky Blue (light blue)

Primary Chakra: Throat Chakra

Astrological Sign: Cancer, Libra, Taurus

Numerical Vibration: Number 3


29. Orange Calcite

Sadness; depression of unknown origin; lack of joy in daily life; lethargy; feeling weighed down with no creative spark; unable to see the positive side of everyday situations; greatly affected by seasonal fluctuations of sunlight and darkness.


Healing Qualities:
Dispels darkness and grief; amplifies the body’s ability to assimilate light at the cellular level; uplifting, energizing, and warming.


Affirmation: I am filled with creative and constructive energy.

Color: Orange

Primary Chakra: Root Chakra

Secondary Chakra: Sacral Chakra

Astrological Sign: Cancer, Leo

Numerical Vibration: Number 5


30. Pearl

Irritated by one’s problems and difficulties, especially those manifesting in the physical body in a painful way; lacking understanding and compassion for one’s healing process.


Healing Qualities:
Promotes the release of layers of irritation in the mental and emotional bodies that manifest in the physical body as hardness and inflexibility; helps one turn antagonism for oneself or one’s illness into awareness and acceptance.


Affirmation: I accept things as they are.

Color: White, Iridescent

Primary Chakra: Third Eye Chakra

Astrological Sign: Gemini, Cancer

Numerical Vibration: Number 7


Healy Database: Alaskan Gem Elixirs, Programs 31-40

Thirty down, only eighteen left to go! Hopefully you’ve learned about a few crystals and gems you haven’t seen before. In our next post, Healy Alaskan Gem Elixirs Database – Part 4/5, we’ll get right into the next Alaskan Gem Elixirs, starting with Peridot.



Stay tuned!




DISCLAIMER: Healy© is a medical certified product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine and for the supportive treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.

All other applications of the Healy© are not (yet) recognized by mainstream medicine because its efficacy has not been scientifically proven. Healy© is complementary and supportive and does not replace medical advice.

Quantum Multiversity is an independent legal entity from the Healy World GmbH.

The Healy© Company cannot be held responsible for any part of this training nor claims made in this training.
This HEALYou Practitioner Training offers information designed for educational purposes only.

You should not rely on any information in this Training as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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