Today, I want to speak to the women in our community...

Ladies, we have a challenge set before us. Are you up for it?

Since the end of last year, I’ve been positioning myself to answer the call to create a global sisterhood. Through private events at the Sanctuary (my home in Asheville) like The Goddess Vision Quest, my private coaching practice, several of our programs (Sleep Your Fat Away, the Full Moon Spell Book + Ritual & the Angels Club), and the upcoming Goddess Renaissance Retreat, we’ve had a collection of women rise to join us in the feminine movement.

There is no doubt that The Feminine is rising. Women from all over the world are beginning to step into their power and remember the truth of who they are. It’s happening on a deep, personal level for each of us, but it’s also being showcased on a bigger scale.

You can see it in the countless female characters being showcased in movies & on TV and in the increasing amount of women taking on the roles of business owners and CEOs. Sure, there is still a lot of room for us to grow, but the movement is happening.


What I’ve come to realize is that there is a key piece of this revolution that needs some work… sisterhood!

definition of sisterhood: the state of being a sister - “A sisterly relationship” and “A community or society of sisters (especially as a society of a religious order)”

I don’t see us as being a religious order, but rather a society of empowered women.

We women were built to be in community with one another and we’re actually designed to flourish and thrive in the love, honour and support of other women.

But when you think of two or more women coming together, what comes to mind?

More often than not, when we think of women coming together, we think of the fantasies of men.. We think of gossip, backstabbing, competition, and... DRAMA. And we also think of our pains and traumas from our own mothers, aunts, grandmothers and sisters.

We’ve been conditioned and patterned to believe that being vulnerable and open in front of other women is unsafe. The truth is, for our personal evolution to be complete (or to truly ever start!), we must enter into conscious sisterhood.

“The truth is, for our personal evolution to be complete (or to truly ever start!), we must enter into a conscious sisterhood.”

In conscious sisterhood, our divine feminine is able to be mirrored and reflected back to us. Through the women we choose to be in community with we are able to see our beauty, our gifts, and our strengths reflected back to us. And, we’re able to see our shadow mirrored in a safe, loving way so that we are able to step even more fully into the greatest version of ourselves.

The challenge we face then is not only do we choose to enter into conscious sisterhood but HOW.

What is the first step to entering into Conscious Sisterhood?

The women that make up our sisterhood spread all over the globe - from Italy to Germany to the U.S, to Russia, to China and beyond. Each of these women is coming from different backgrounds, religions, with all kinds of different life stories and triggers, and their own baggage and emotions that each one of them brings to the table.

It’s beautiful but at the same time, it’s also challenging because we have to see - behind all of these different beliefs that we have going on, and all these different things we may be bringing to the table - what do all of us women actually have in common?

This whole sisterhood movement that we have is about a common demeanour that we have, and that common demeanour is our sacred sexuality, that feminine energy that we are. No matter what separates us and makes us feel different, us women must come together to realize that we are one.

When I look at the work that I do with women all over the world, whether they’re my clients, or my students in a workshop, or my friends, I can see that the issues we all struggle with are the same.

If I look at the red flags of women that I am in contact with the most, these are the four groups that they seem to fall into - see if you resonate with any of them:

“I am struggling.”I have this group of women who are right now saying, “I am struggling” - with relationships, with health concerns, with messy break ups, depression, etc. They’re struggling with a major life change, or a major transition in their lives and it’s intense. It’s rough, it’s raw, and they need help.

“I want to be of service.”Another group says, “I wanna be of service, I wanna contribute, but how I can be of service? How can I put myself out there and have a great life? I just don’t know where to start.” It’s also that kind of woman who feels lost in the maze of possibility… “Should I do this? Should I do that? I don’t know.”

“My life is toxic.”The third group I’ve identified are those who are currently immersed in a toxic environment. These are women who are noticing that they’re in an environment that doesn’t support them. They feel lonely, disconnected like they’re alone and not in a place where they can really spread their wings and fly.

“I’m depleted.”(the go-go-goers)The fourth group is women who are so used to constantly going. These are women who are usually successful in what they’re doing. They’re high achievers, very ambitious women, and they're actually at the brink of a burnout. These are the ones of us who feel depleted, numb, stressed, and it feels so chronic that it’s become a daily state.If you can see yourself represented in one of these four groups, raise your hand.Know that you are NOT alone.There are women raising their hands to you all over the world.

Now, about that challenge…Are you ready to step into Conscious Sisterhood?

If you’re ready, leave us a comment here on Facebook.

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be sharing more about sisterhood and what it takes to be in conscious community with other women. I’ll be sharing more about healing our past wounds with the feminine, compassionate communication, and how to go from one of these four groups mentioned above into thriving women. If there’s a topic you’re extra excited to learn more about, I’d love to hear about it! Leave us a comment on Facebook.


Today, I want to speak to the women in our community…

Ladies, we have a challenge set before us. Are you up for it?

Since the end of 2016, I’ve been positioning myself to answer the call to create a global sisterhood. Through private events at the Sanctuary (my home in Asheville) like The Goddess Vision Quest, my private coaching practice, several of our programs such as Sleep Your Fat Away or the Full Moon Spell Book + Ritual, and the upcoming Goddess Renaissance Retreat, we’ve had a collection of women rise to join us in the feminine movement.

There is no doubt that The Feminine is rising. Women from all over the world are beginning to step into their power and remember the truth of who they are. It’s happening on a deep, personal level for each of us, but it’s also being showcased on a bigger scale.

You can see it in the countless female characters being showcased in movies & on TV and in the increasing amount of women taking on the roles of business owners and CEOs. Sure, there is still a lot of room for us to grow, but the movement is happening.


What I’ve come to realize is that there is a key piece of this revolution that needs some work… sisterhood!

Definition of sisterhood: the state of being a sister – “A sisterly relationship” and “A community or society of sisters (especially as a society of a religious order)”

I don’t see us as being a religious order, but rather a society of empowered women.

We women were built to be in community with one another and we’re actually designed to flourish and thrive in the love, honor and support of other women.

But when you think of two or more women coming together, what comes to mind?

More often than not, when we think of women coming together, we think of the fantasies of men. We think of gossip, backstabbing, competition, and. DRAMA. We also think of our pains and traumas from our own mothers, aunts, grandmothers and sisters.

We’ve been conditioned and patterned to believe that being vulnerable and open in front of other women is unsafe. The truth is, for our personal evolution to be complete (or to truly ever start!), we must enter into conscious sisterhood.

“The truth is, for our personal evolution to be complete (or to truly ever start!), we must enter into a conscious sisterhood.”

In conscious sisterhood, our divine feminine is able to be mirrored and reflected back to us. Through the women we choose to be in community with we are able to see our beauty, our gifts, and our strengths reflected back to us. And, we’re able to see our shadow mirrored in a safe, loving way so that we are able to step even more fully into the greatest version of ourselves.

The challenge we face then is not only do we choose to enter into conscious sisterhood but HOW.

What is the first step to entering into Conscious Sisterhood?

The women that make up our sisterhood spread all over the globe – from Italy to Germany to the U.S, to Russia, to China and beyond. Each of these women is coming from different backgrounds, religions, with all kinds of different life stories and triggers, and their own baggage and emotions that each one of them brings to the table.

It’s beautiful but at the same time, it’s also challenging because we have to see – behind all of these different beliefs that we have going on, and all these different things we may be bringing to the table – what do all of us women actually have in common?

This whole sisterhood movement that we have is about a common demeanour that we have, and that common demeanour is our sacred sexuality, that feminine energy that we are. No matter what separates us and makes us feel different, us women must come together to realize that we are one.

When I look at the work that I do with women all over the world, whether they’re my clients, or my students in a workshop, or my friends, I can see that the issues we all struggle with are the same.

If I look at the red flags of women that I am in contact with the most, these are the four groups that they seem to fall into – see if you resonate with any of them:

“I am struggling.”I have this group of women who are right now saying, “I am struggling” – with relationships, with health concerns, with messy break ups, depression, etc. They’re struggling with a major life change, or a major transition in their lives and it’s intense. It’s rough, it’s raw, and they need help.

“I want to be of service.”Another group says, “I wanna be of service, I wanna contribute, but how I can be of service? How can I put myself out there and have a great life? I just don’t know where to start.” It’s also that kind of woman who feels lost in the maze of possibility… “Should I do this? Should I do that? I don’t know.”

“My life is toxic.”The third group I’ve identified are those who are currently immersed in a toxic environment. These are women who are noticing that they’re in an environment that doesn’t support them. They feel lonely, disconnected like they’re alone and not in a place where they can really spread their wings and fly.

“I’m depleted.”(the go-go-goers)The fourth group is women who are so used to constantly going. These are women who are usually successful in what they’re doing. They’re high achievers, very ambitious women, and they’re actually at the brink of a burnout. These are the ones of us who feel depleted, numb, stressed, and it feels so chronic that it’s become a daily state.If you can see yourself represented in one of these four groups, raise your hand.Know that you are NOT alone.There are women raising their hands to you all over the world.

Now, about that challenge…Are you ready to step into Conscious Sisterhood?

If you’re ready, leave us a comment here on Facebook.

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be sharing more about sisterhood and what it takes to be in conscious community with other women. I’ll be sharing more about healing our past wounds with the feminine, compassionate communication, and how to go from one of these four groups mentioned above into thriving women. If there’s a topic you’re extra excited to learn more about, I’d love to hear about it! Leave us a comment on Facebook.

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