How to explain the Healy to your friend – Part 2

Healy-Health© & Vitality

The Healy is is an FDA-approved certified medical device that is opening the way to the Medicine of the Future, now. 


How to explain the Healy to your friend – Part 2

 In our previous blog post, How to explain the Healy to your friend – Part 1, we laid the foundation for you to take your first step towards understanding the necessary basics of quantum mechanics to be able to explain some of the amazing ways the Healy works. If you haven’t read the previous post, we’d highly recommend it, as we’ll be starting exactly where we left off.

Suspension of Disbelief

In creative writing, there is a term called ‘suspension of disbelief.’ What this means is that while someone is reading a book or watching a movie, the reader or viewer allows themself to ignore the knowledge that what they are reading or seeing is not real. This allows a person to more fully experience the media, even though they know in the back of their mind that it’s all pretend or taking place within their imagination. They are suspending their disbelief.

 To move forward with your understanding of quantum mechanics, something similar might be necessary, except this time, it’s the opposite. Quantum mechanics is real. It is how the universe truly operates. Only, you can’t see it.

 As mentioned in the last post, this role reversal is rather unique. For many of us, seeing is believing. Even the forces of nature that we can’t technically see, like gravity or wind, we can still verify with our senses. A pin drops. A tree sways. But in order to move forward, we have to let go of that need for a moment.


Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration

As Einstein and Tesla showed us in the previous blog post, everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. From the quantum perspective, there is no real difference between matter and energy – remember, e=mc2 – the two are essentially equivalent.

 The easiest way to begin to wrap your head around frequencies is to start with music and sound. This is one of the more tangible ways we, as humans, can perceive frequency.

 The human ear can generally hear any sound frequencies in the range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This is called the audible spectrum. On the low end of the spectrum are the lower, more rumbling, ‘deeper’ sounds, like bass. On the higher end of the spectrum are higher ‘pitched’ sounds like a whistle or a shriek.

The interesting thing about music is that each song is a combination of a near-infinite amount of frequencies.

Let’s dive a little deeper

 Music, as a whole, is organized by notes, chords, scales, octaves, tempos, etc. There is a whole overarching system to it that is mathematical in nature. Because of this scientific approach, and a near-universal consensus that all instruments be ‘tuned’ to a certain note, when a properly tuned guitar and a properly tuned tuba play the same note on the same octave, they are making a sound at the same frequency!

The part where it gets complicated, is that a guitar and a tuba playing the same note still sound completely different. Yet their frequency is the same? That doesn’t make sense.

This is because each note has a main frequency (known as the fundamental frequency), and then a range of other subsidiary frequencies that give it its unique sound. Each musical note is also made up of the surrounding frequencies. So the note A4 at 432 Hz combines the frequencies from about 360 – 520 to create that note. It can get a little complicated!

A Spectrum (frequency) Analysis Tool Showing 432 Hz

The Effects of Sound

 The important thing to start to notice is that when sounds (frequencies) are properly combined (and like we said, there’s a whole system to it), certain effects can be achieved. Think about the last time you were watching a movie. The ‘score’ (the background music that isn’t the soundtrack) is designed to elicit certain feelings. Minor chords help to convey sadness when the main character is struggling or hurt. Major chords can elicit feelings of triumph when the main character overcomes the antagonist and proves victorious.

 The more you think about it, the more it will become clear that music and sound, and thus frequencies, have undeniable effects on us. But the part that might still not be clear, is that even inaudible frequencies of sound can have an affect on us too.

Freaky Frequencies: 18-19 Hz

We sat down with Kelsey Godfrey, a former professor of psychoacoustics, microphone theory, sound design, and interactive audio, to discuss the role of frequency in sound and some of the effects of frequencies on human beings.

As we mentioned above, once you start paying attention, you can start to notice some of the effects that sound, and particularly music, have on you. But it’s the unfortunate truth that frequencies you can’t even detect can also affect you.

Just outside of the audible spectrum are the frequencies of 18 Hz and 19 Hz. Undetectable to the human ear, these frequencies are actually used much more often than we’d think to have a specific effect on us. Scary movies, video games and even haunted houses are known to incorporate sounds at the 18-19 Hz frequencies to induce a sense of unease in the human body. The body can detect that there are frequencies bombarding it, but it can’t process them through the five senses. This induces a certain amount of stress, which generally translates as that feeling of slight unease or uncomfortability. 

In addition to this, it is believed that 18 Hz is the resonant frequency of the eye – we’ll get into resonant frequencies next – so using the 18 Hz frequency can cause headaches and minor eye issues. In our conversation, we theorized that at a high enough amplitude (think volume or strength, except the frequency can’t be heard), it could potentially cause serious damage to the eyes.

Resonant Frequencies

Resonant frequencies are the frequencies at which an object resonates. It can be an organ, a building, or – if you’re familiar with opera singers – even a glass. Everything has a frequency at which it resonates.

Watch the full video (only about 2 minutes) here:

 In the above video, the child uses his voice to match the frequency of the glass. The air acts as a medium, meaning it allows the frequencies generated by the boy to reach the glass. Because the frequencies match, the vibrations of the glass are increased, meaning the atoms of the glass are excited and begin to move around more than they typically would because they are receiving more energy at the frequency at which they are already resonating. This then causes the atoms to vibrate apart from each other – or, as you see, the glass shatters.

 However, as you can see in the beginning of the video, if the boy doesn’t create a sound with enough energy or at the wrong frequency, the glass creates sound, but doesn’t shatter. That’s why the amplitude, meaning the strength, of the frequency is extremely important in this equation. Too much can be a bad thing.

 Fortunately, that’s not something you have to concern yourself with when it comes to the Healy. The adjustments you can make regarding the strength of the Healy’s microcurrents are simply that, adjustments to the strength of the microcurrents. The 144,000 frequencies developed by Nuna Nina have been extensively tested and there is no possible way to improperly use the Healy and receive an overload of frequencies. 

Quantum Entanglement

 In the glass shattering video, the boy uses air to transfer the energy of the frequency of his voice (sound) to the glass. Similarly, the Healy uses the microcurrents to transfer its healing frequencies to the human body. This is what makes it so powerful and why it is completely revolutionizing the practices of modern healing.

 In our next blog post, How to explain the Healy to your friend – Part 3, we’ll discuss how the Healy Resonance, operating through the use of resonant frequencies and quantum entanglement, can transfer these healing frequencies from a distance.



Stayed tuned to learn more in our upcoming articles!

DISCLAIMER: Healy© is a medical certified product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine and for the supportive treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.

All other applications of the Healy© are not (yet) recognized by mainstream medicine because its efficacy has not been scientifically proven. Healy© is complementary and supportive and does not replace medical advice.

Quantum Multiversity is an independent legal entity from the Healy World GmbH.

The Healy© Company cannot be held responsible for any part of this training nor claims made in this training.
This HEALYou Practitioner Training offers information designed for educational purposes only.

You should not rely on any information in this Training as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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