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Digital Homeopathy:
Healy Materia Medica Database –
Part 3/4
Ready to learn more about the remaining individual homeopathy frequency programs available in the Healy Materia Medica Database? Then you’re in the right place! This post will be a direct continuation from our last post, Healy Materia Medica Database: Part 2/4, so we’re going to dive right in and start discussing the next programs in the Healy’s Materia Medica database.
Healy Database: Materia Medica
Programs 21-30
21. Hepar sulph (Hepar sulphuris calcareum)
Unique Homeopathic Remedy
Also known as:
- Hahnemann’s calcium sulfide
Made by:
Mixing the inner layer of oyster shells with flowers of sulfur and adding high heat
Cold sores, boils, abscesses and sensitive sores with pus; also treats lung infections with a wheezing, rattling or choking cough
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Aconite (cough)
- Belladonna (hot or flushed face & swelling)
- Nux vom (irritability & sensitivity to cold)
- Silica (scar healing)
22. Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum)
Also known as:
- St John’s-wort
Native to:
Injuries involving nerve, neck or spine damage with symptoms like shooting pain, sciatica or neuritis; also used to treat post-operative pain and phantom limb syndrome; as well as bite and puncture wounds
- Known as a homeopathic painkiller for nerve-related injuries
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Arnica (light nerve damage)
- Ledum (bites & puncture wounds)
- Nat mur (burning or tingling)
23. Ignatia (Strychnos ignatii)
Also known as:
- Ignatia amara
Native to:
The Philippines
Inconsolable grief or hysteria, usually from loss, bereavement or separation; typically manifests in silence, detachment, desire for isolation, irritability and depression
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Pulsatilla (volatility)
24. Ipecac (Carapichea Ipecacuanha)
Also known as:
- Ipecacuanha
Native to:
Central and South America
Nausea, vomiting, morning sickness and dysentery; also effective for dry, choking coughs with little phlegm
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Antim tart (dry cough)
25. Lachesis (Lachesis Mutus)
Also known as:
- Southern American bushmaster
- Atlantic bushmaster
Native to:
South America and the Caribbean
Cases where a person feels constricted or trapped physically, mentally or emotionally; symptoms typically manifest as a sore throat (starting on the left and moving to the right side), headaches (especially on the left side), high blood pressure, varicose veins, hemorrhoids or ulcers
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Nat mur (high blood pressure)
26. Ledum (Ledum Palustre)
Also known as:
- Rhododendron tomentosum
- Wild rosemary
- Marsh Labrador tea
Native to:
Northern North America, Europe and Asia
Bites, stings and puncture wounds, as well as bruising; also treats shooting pain worsened by heat like in cases of rheumatism, gout or arthritis; also effective for sprained ankles or ankles that sprain easily
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Arnica (bruise healing)
- Bryonia (shooting pain)
- Hypericum (bites & puncture wounds)
- Rhus tox (shooting pain)
- Ruta (sprained ankle)
27. Lycopodium (Lycopodium Clavatum)
Also known as:
- Common club moss
- Ground pine
Native to:
North America, Europe and the Tropics
Anxiety over responsibilities or commitments, or stage fright that lessens once on-stage; symptoms can manifest as gassiness, early aging, dry cough or chronic, slow-developing digestive tract issues
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Argent nit (stage fright)
- Gelsemium (stage fright)
28. Mag phos (Magnesia Phosphorica)
Inorganic Compound/Salt
Also known as:
- Magnesium Phosphoricum
- Magnesium hydrogen phosphate
Abdomen pain, spasms or muscle cramps; also treats other related symptoms like shaking, stiffness, soreness, swelling and aching
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
29. Merc sol (Mercurius Solubilis)
Inorganic Compound
Also known as:
- Soluble Mercury
- Quicksilver
Ulceration, abscesses or decay; colds with sneezing (especially in sunlight), ear or teeth pain, tremors, chills, sweats, sore or dry throat, enlarged glands, or enlarged or white tongue
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Carbo veg (shallow ulcers or bleeding)
- Kali bich (shallow ulcers or bleeding)
- Nat mur (colds & sneezing)
30. Mixed pollens
Unique Homeopathic Remedy
Also known as:
- Ainsworths Mixed Pollens
Hayfever, seasonal allergies and other related symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, or runny or itchy eyes
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
Healy Database: Materia Medica, Programs 31-42
You’re almost there! In the next post, Healy Materia Medica Database – Part 4/4, we’ll finish up with the last 12 individual frequency programs available in the Healy Materia Medica Database.
Stay tuned!
DISCLAIMER: Healy© is a medical certified product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine and for the supportive treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy© are not (yet) recognized by mainstream medicine because its efficacy has not been scientifically proven. Healy© is complementary and supportive and does not replace medical advice.
Quantum Multiversity is an independent legal entity from the Healy World GmbH.
The Healy© Company cannot be held responsible for any part of this training nor claims made in this training.
This HEALYou Practitioner Training offers information designed for educational purposes only.
You should not rely on any information in this Training as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis or treatment.
If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.