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Digital Homeopathy:
Healy Materia Medica Database –
Part 4/4
Hello and welcome to the last installment in our Healy Materia Medica Database mini-series. You made it! If you’re new to our Digital Homeopathy series, check out our introductory post here: Digital Homeopathy: Healy Materia Medica Database – Introduction to Homeopathy & the Materia Medica.
If you’ve already read the other posts in this series, then you’re in the right place! Let’s dive into the last 12 individual frequency programs in the Healy Materia Medica Database.
Healy Database: Materia Medica
Programs 31-42
31. Nux vom (Strychnos nux-vomica)
Also known as:
- Nux Vomica
- The strychnine tree
- Poison nut
- Quaker buttons
Native to:
India and Southeast Asia
Hangover or morning sickness-like symptoms and gastro-intestinal issues; typical symptoms include constipation, bloating, nausea, vomiting, morning diarrhea, headaches or raw throat
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Arsen alb (stomach ulcers & morning sickness)
- Argent nit (stomach ulcers)
- Carbo veg (bloating)
- Cocculus (morning sickness)
- Pulsatilla (morning sickness & hangover)
- Sepia (morning sickness)
- Sulphur (morning diarrhea & hangover)
- Bryonia (constipation, nausea & vomiting)
- Phosphorous (stomach ulcers, nausea & vomiting)
32. Passiflora co (Passiflora Incarnata)
Also known as:
- Maypop
- Purple passionflower
- Wild apricot
Native to:
Southern United States
Anxiety, insomnia or restlessness from overthinking or worrying; most noticeable as racing thoughts before sleep;
- Known as a gentle homeopathic tranquilizer
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- None
33. Phosphorus
Also known as:
- Homeopathic phosphorous
General anxiety like fear of the dark, ghosts or being alone; symptoms can manifest as nosebleeds or hemorrhages, morning sweats or backaches
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Arsen alb (general anxiety)
- Bryonia (backache)
- Ferrum phos (prone to hemorrhages or nosebleed)
- Nux vom (backache)
- Pulsatilla (easily scared)
- Rhus tox (backache)
34. Potassium bich (Kalium Bichromicum)
Inorganic Compound/Salt
Also known as:
- Kali bich
- Potassium dichromate
SInus infection-like symptoms; symptoms typically include sneezing, congestion, pressure around the eyes or one side of the face, coughs with stringy or sticky mucus, stiffness, cracking and sciatica (especially on the left side)
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Nat mur (stuffiness & loss of smell)
- Nux vom (stomach ulcers)
- Pulsatilla (pain on one side of the face)
35. Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla pratensis)
Also known as:
- The small pasque flower
Native to:
Central and Eastern Europe
Colds with a yellow-green mucus; symptoms typically include sneezing, runny eyes, headaches, dry mouth, aversion to food and a dry cough
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
36. Rhus tox (Toxicodendron radicans)
Also known as:
- Rhus toxicodendron
- Poison Ivy
Native to:
Asia and Eastern North America
Arthritis, rheumatism, swollen, painful or hot joints, stiffness, tendon or ligament pain, sciatica; also treats skin conditions that resemble poison ivy like shingles, herpes, chickenpox and contact allergies;
- Pains worsened by cold and damp
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Apis mel (shingles)
- Arsen alb (shingles)
- Belladonna (swelling on right side)
- Hepar sulph (herpes)
- Mag phos (sciatica)
- Nat mur (herpes)
- Ruta (pains worsened by cold and damp)
37. Ruta (Ruta graveolens)
Also known as:
- Rue
- Herb-of-grace
Native to:
The Balkan Peninsula
Overstrain of eyes and ocular muscles; pain in the tendons, joints, ankles, spine, neckl and lower back
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Ledum (sprained ankle)
- Rhus tox (pains worsened by cold and damp)
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
38. Sepia (Sepia officinalis)
Also known as:
- Cuttlefish ink
Native to:
The Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea and North Sea
Conditions related to hormonal imbalance (especially in women) with typical symptoms like irritability, mood swings, tiredness, desire for isolation, premenstrual tension, issues with periods (painful, heavy, early or late), thrush, incontinence, loss of libido, chills, flushes or sweats
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Pulsatilla (crying when trying to communicate issues)
39. Silica (Silicea terra)
Also known as:
- Silicon dioxide
Most commonly found in:
Sand, quartz, flint and sandstone
Diseases of the bones, caries and necrosis; helps to heal the skin and scar tissue
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Hepar sulph (scar healing)
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
40. Sodium mur (Natrum muriaticum)
Inorganic compound/Salt
Also known as:
- Sodium chloride
- Table salt
- Nat mur
Colds with sneezing, runny eyes and a runny nose that turns into congestion; cold sores and mouth ulcers; tingling or numb sensations; can also be used to treat those who are feeling depressed or embittered due to loss, bereavement or an unfortunate event and are suppressing their feelings or are unwilling to be consoled
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Allium cepa (sneezing & runny nose/eyes)
- Euphrasia (cold & hayfever)
- Hypericum (tingling)
- Merc sol (colds & sneezing)
- Rhus tox (cold sores)
41. Staphisagria (Staphisagria macrosperma)
Also known as:
- Stavesacre
- Lice-bane
Native to:
The Mediterranean
Urinary tract diseases; also treats nervousness and irritability
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Check back later for more information.
- (While researching the individual frequency programs within the Healy, there were a few that didn’t show up in the results. I will continue to search for them and update this post once I see this particular result in a Resonance Analysis)
42. Sulphur
Also known as:
- Sulfur
- Brimstone
Skin conditions or infections with burning, redness or discharge like acne, boils, scabies or ringworm; other symptoms with redness, heat, burning or irritation;
Related Healy Materia Media Frequency Programs:
- Arsen alb (tichy, dry or flaky skin)
- Rhus tox (skin conditions)
- Silica (acne & boils)
Bach Flower Remedies
And that’s it! While we typically think of herbs when we think of homeopathy, it was interesting to see the other sources used for homeopathic remedies like insects, salts and minerals. But there’s nothing to fear when it comes to using homeopathic remedies containing the essences of these different sources. Homeopathic remedies are highly, highly diluted and digital homeopathy uses the Healy to transfer the frequencies of these homeopathic remedies. So you can rest assured that using the Healy to perform Digital Homeopathy is completely 100% safe.
In our next post, we’ll begin to discuss a new Healy Database, Bach Flower Remedies.
Stay tuned!
DISCLAIMER: Healy© is a medical certified product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine and for the supportive treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy© are not (yet) recognized by mainstream medicine because its efficacy has not been scientifically proven. Healy© is complementary and supportive and does not replace medical advice.
Quantum Multiversity is an independent legal entity from the Healy World GmbH.
The Healy© Company cannot be held responsible for any part of this training nor claims made in this training.
This HEALYou Practitioner Training offers information designed for educational purposes only.
You should not rely on any information in this Training as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis or treatment.
If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.