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Digital Therapy:
Healy Bach Flower Remedies Database – Part 3/4
Two down, two to go! In today’s post, we’ll share details about the next 10 Bach Flower Remedies found in the Healy’s Bach Flower Remedies Database.
This post is a direct continuation from Digital Therapy: Healy Bach Flower Remedies Database – Part 2/4, so if you’re confused by the information below, check out the beginning of the series here: Digital Therapy: Healy Bach Flower Remedies Database – Introduction to Bach Flowers.
Healy Database: Bach Flower Remedies
Programs 21-30
21. Mustard (Sinapis arvensis)
Be Joyful. The Bach® remedy Mustard encourages the positive potential to return to joy. Everyone faces occasional sudden gloomy feelings. When you are feeling down, bring joy back into your daily life.
Essential Oil:
- Muscale
- Honeycalcite
- Garganica Orchid
22. Oak (Quercus robur)
Restore Endurance. The Bach® remedy Oak encourages the positive potential to remain strong while understanding your own limits. When the struggle is real and you are exhausted but push on anyway. Recognize the need to recharge. The positive potential of Oak is to remain strong and persevere, but understand your own limits.
Essential Oil:
- Ginger
- Green fluorite
- Mammosa Orchid
23. Olive (Olea europaea)
Restore Energy. The Bach® remedy Olive encourages the positive potential to revitalize yourself after making an effort. For times when all reserves of inner strength and energy have run out. Let go and allow yourself to revitalize and restore your mental energy.
Essential Oil:
- Rosemary
- Amber
- Monorchis Orchid
24. Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Have Self-Respect. The Bach® remedy Pine encourages the positive potential to accept and respect yourself as you would others. For times when you feel full of guilt and blame yourself for anything that goes wrong.
Essential Oil:
- Rosewood
- Lapis
- Lapponica Orchid
25. Red Chestnut (Aesculus carnea)
Peace Of Mind. The Bach® remedy Red Chestnut encourages the positive potential of peace of mind, to care for others with compassion but without the worry. Often a temporary feeling, anxious thoughts and worries can impact our relationships. Overcome the feeling of anxiety around others, and comfort your mind.
Essential Oil:
- Magnolia
- Emerald
- Parviflora Orchid
26. Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium)
Have Courage. The Bach® remedy Rock Rose encourages the positive potential of strong will and courage, especially in the face of emergencies. For times in your life when a sense of panic and helplessness is replaced by calm and courage.
Essential Oil:
- Tulasi
- Uwarowite
- Canariensis Orchid
27. Rock Water
Flexible Mind. The Bach® remedy Rock Water encourages the positive potential of a flexible attitude when striving for your goals. Stop tying yourself down to inflexible and overly high standards. Open up to new ways of thinking and living.
Essential Oil:
- Hyacinth
- Hematite
- Sipontensis Orchid
28. Scleranthus (Scleranthus annuus)
Be Decisive. The Bach® remedy Scleranthus encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisiveness. For those who are viewed as unreliable, moody, and often change their mind when making decisions between two possibilities. Be more spontaneous when making decisions.
Essential Oil:
- Ravansara
- Rhodonite
- Romana Orchid
29. Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Neutralize Grief. The Bach® remedy Star of Bethlehem neutralizes the effects of grief and encourages the positive potential of inner strength. Deal with the aftereffects of a life-altering experience. Have comfort and soothe your pain and sorrows.
Essential Oil, Gemstone & Orchid:
- None
30. Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)
Be Optimistic. The Bach® remedy Sweet Chestnut encourages the positive potential of hopefulness. Face extreme feelings of hopeless despair with a clear mind. Regain control over your daily life with peace of mind.
Essential Oil:
- Jasmine
- Azurite
- Odoratissima Orchid
Healy Database: Bach Flower Remedies, Programs 31-39
Only 9 more to go! Then you’ve seen the full potential of the Bach Flower Remedies. From optimism to decisiveness, Bach Flower Remedies can support you in overcoming any obstacles that come across your path.
Stay tuned!
All Bach Flower Remedy descriptions are directly sourced from https://www.bachremedies.com/
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All other applications of the Healy© are not (yet) recognized by mainstream medicine because its efficacy has not been scientifically proven. Healy© is complementary and supportive and does not replace medical advice.
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