The Biggest Breakthrough for our Future Part 1

Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny

For a long time, scientists believed our genes held the key to preventing and reversing disease. But we now know that our environment and mental influence—not our genes — is the primary driver of health and longevity.

We have developed one of the first healing techniques based on these breakthroughs and we called it Christallin Source Healing. Since then we have discovered so much more than we ever thought possible. We want to share what we have learned with you.

The 20th century was the golden age of genetics. It ushered in the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA and the sequencing of the complete human genome. This was a breakthrough that cost billions and was heralded as the Holy Grail. Since then there have been some new therapies are coming out of this breakthrough. 

As people have furthered the study of our DNA, they were led to “biological determinism,” the belief that our genes control human behavior and health.

You can blame your genes only for 10%

Craig Venter, one of the first scientists to sequence the human genome, stated that genes account for about 10 percent of human disease.

So if our genes aren’t driving disease, what is?

Exposure drives the activity of your DNA

The next breakthrough was that or environment influences the activity of our DNA. This was called ‘Exposome’ (Dr. Christopher Wild in 2005).

The “exposome” is the Primary Driver of Health and it refers to the sum of all non-genetic exposures in an individual lifetime, starting from the moment of conception.

It encompasses everything from the kind of food we eat, to the water we drink, to the air we breathe, to the social interactions we have, to the lifestyle choices we make, to the health of our parents at the time of our conception and what your mother goes through emotionally during the pregnancy. In short, it’s the word scientists are using to describe the full range of environmental exposures that influence our health and DNA.

More on Exposome

We can break down the exposome into the following five categories:

1. Direct external environmental factors

Diet, water, consumer and personal care products, lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, amount of time sitting, infectious agents, use of antibiotics, vaccinations and other chemical pollutants, etc.

These influences begin at the moment of conception (including our mother and father’s health at the time of our conception) and your mother’s emotional journey during pregnancy, birth-traumas, whether we were breastfed or not, our early life bond with our mother and other social and psychological influences.

2. General external environment

Part of this is the climate; urban vs. rural setting; traffic and environmental pollutants, electrosmog, radiation (including UV-exposure), our wider economic, social, and psychological-emotional influences including social status, education, financial status, and stress.

3. Internal environment

This includes internal biological factors such as metabolism, the microbiome (the micro-organisms that live in your body), inflammation, hormones, and free radical stress exposure.

4. Ancestral Baggage

One of the most recent discoveries (2014) was that unresolved emotional conflicts in our ancestors could be passed on through the DNA to the next generations. This is one of the bigger influences that create patterns of sensitivities at the moment of conception. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy discovered over 200 years ago that when a disease is suppressed this can cause damage to the DNA that is passed on to the next generations. He called this miasma. We are heavily influenced by the journeys of our ancestors. We also have found that other information can be passed on such as curses and karmic baggage in the family.

5. Soul Baggage

The most overlooked factor in modern science is the concept of reincarnation and the fact that we are immortal spiritual beings, who have existed for eons before this current life. And so we can bring with us information that influences our DNA and is able to switch on or switch off certain genes. This is part of the Christallin Source Healing concepts, we have created. 

The Missing Link

The reason the exposome is an important concept is that we now know it is the primary driver of human health, ageing, and disease. If genes cause less than 10 percent of disease, it is clear that the exposome—our diet, lifestyle, environment, ancestral baggage and soul’s baggage—drive the remaining 90 percent.

In fact, recent estimates suggest that about 50 percent of early death worldwide can be attributed to just a few environmental factors, including diet, hours spent sitting (instead of moving), unresolved emotional conflicts, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and active or passive cigarette smoking.

Epi-genetics: the switching on and off of our genes

Epigenetics, which literally means “on top of” genetics, is the study of modifications to our genetic material that change the way genes are switched on or off, but which don’t alter the underlying genes themselves.

This explains why identical twins are similar, but not the same. They are matched for genes, age, sex, pre-gestational (and often post-gestational) environment, so we’d expect their risk of having the same diseases to be very high if genes were running the show. Yet in most cases, the discordance rates between twins for even highly heritable diseases like schizophrenia can be up to 50 percent. In other words, if one identical twin has schizophrenia, there’s only a 50 percent chance that the other twin will have it.

The confusion about genes

Genes do have a powerful influence on our susceptibility to disease, and there are situations where information about your particular genetic make-up can be useful. For example, there are genes that affect the so-called methylation cycle, and mutations in these genes may lead to impaired detoxification, neurotransmitter metabolism, cellular energy production, and a range of symptoms such as depression, fatigue, and infertility. But in most cases, genetic predispositions will often only manifest in the presence of certain environmental factors.

Obesity: The Increasing Epidemic

The obesity epidemic is a clear example of this. Our genes have not changed significantly in the last 50 years, but during that time we’ve seen an explosion in the rates of obesity. This suggests that genetics are not the primary driver of obesity.

However, we do know that there are genes that predispose some people to obesity more than others and that not everyone is equally affected by exposure to the same environment. This suggests that genes do play an important role but not the only role. That is why we have developed a program to address the mental exposure and called it the Sleep Your Fat Away program.

To find out more check our website or order our book sleep your fat away on (click here)

Fix Your Exposome: Motivation, Determination & the Right Tools

The fact that our environment, not genetics, is the main driver of human health, disease, and the ageing process is the good news because it gives us space to claim our responsibility. We are now transcending the fatalistic belief that our genes are the only determinant of our health, which wouldn’t be much motivation to optimize our direct environment. But since we know that the choices we make from now on and for the rest of our lifetime predict 90 percent of our risk of disease and early death, we should strongly be motivated to take massive action to improve our health.

Roy: Since I have read the research that shows that sitting for hours in a row leads to premature death, even if you also exercise in the gym, I took action. Every half hour I get up to take a 3 to 5-minute break and do some simple stretching and then go back to my desk. I already feel much better and get much more done than before.

You have to stay motivated and determined to take action!

But where do you start? What should you do?

Where to start?

With so many possible environmental influences, ranging from diet to chemical exposure to air pollution to personal care products, where do you get the most effect for the time and energy spent?

We believe that, for most people, the following five areas are the most important to focus on first:

  1. Diet & Water
  2. Physical Activity
  3. Sleep
  4. Stress Management
  5. Mental influence of your DNA

We have an overwhelming amount of research demonstrating the influence these five areas have on our health. The first four are quite common sense, the mental influencing of your DNA is one of our copyrighted techniques as first taught in Christallin Source Healing

We also have adapted our lifestyle to incorporate each of these areas into our daily routine. And as a doctor, I’ve also seen the greatest impact from focusing on them in my work with thousands of patients. 

Wishing you a happy, healthy and long life!

Joy & Roy

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Why you should know about telomeres

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