Dr. Joy Martina is an Omega Healing Life Coach (where she met Roy), a Hypnotherapist, an Expert in Holographic Projection of Intention (Psycho-informationology, a method developed by Professor Ignatenko), has the status of a Remote Viewer (formed with the former agent of the CIA: David Moorehouse), is an expert in Matrix Energetics (Richard Bartlett method), and a Christallin Oracle trained channel to powerful masters and luminous beings that assist in healing, strategic counseling, and good fortune.
She is the coauthor of six books, including the bestseller: “Sleep Your Fat Away,” and is the creator of ICON (International Christallin Oracles Network), that are a group of oracles who continue to train and conduct research on the future for the well-being of planet earth.
Free from limiting and negative beliefs
Imagine having the luxury to receive Dr. Joy Martina's total attention
all day long in a refreshing, revitalizing and healing environment.
Welcome to “The Sanctuary”, a haven created for peace and regeneration.
A haven where you can reinvigorate, detoxify, rejuvenate and heal your bodies after the strain and stress of your exhausting day-to-day life.
Share in this special haven.
Experience connecting with nature at a deeper level.
Be showered with affection and appreciation.
These personal retreats were created just for you!