​​​​​​​ASHEVILLE, NC • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019

By Drs. Joy & Roy Martina
The secrets to our ever-growing love


When Joy & Roy first met, both had given up on ever living the relationship of their dreams. Both were divorced from their first marriage due to the dying of that flame of love and passion, communication problems, power games or emotional blackmail.

Teaching workshops all over the planet together these last 7 years in diverse cultures showed them that relationships all over the globe are under siege because of the lack of tools to solve conflicts, get rid of emotional baggage including past failures and pain, communication problems and being able to solve conflict in a loving way.

Why over 60% of relationships fail

It has become easier and easier to predict which relationships will fail! This does not mean that a failed relationship needs to end in a divorce. There are many reasons why couples stay together despite a failed relationship, and there are so many ways to save a stuck one.

The 10 strongest predictors of a failed relationship are...
(1) A feeling of contempt, (2) criticism, (3) defensiveness, (4) the habit of stonewalling. (5) continued dishonesty (6) lacking interest in one another (7) lack of love-language communication (8) not feeling heard (9) not feeling understood or (10) not feeling seen  

The presence of 5 or more of these triggers predicts divorce with an uncanny accuracy. 
Good News
You Can Ignite the Flame again!
One of the things Joy is teaching me (Roy) is to say Yes to being more alive, more enthusiastic, more attentive, more in the moment. For Joy to come into action, to feel appreciated, heard and understood, only a “Hell Yes” is a yes - and everything else is a “Hell No!”. A weak Yes for her is the same as a NO and a killer of atmosphere, energy and the flame of the other. Roy who has trained for years to be a Zen Master and stays calm in the midst of the biggest crises, had to be retrained to feel enthusiastic about life again, to feel vital and alive again. Zen is great, but is a relationship killer! And Joy is learning from Roy how not to sweat the small stuff and trust that all will be good in the end!
Start with Saying Yes! more
"Yes" bridges conflict, fosters admiration, creates shared experience, and offers acceptance. Within a marriage relationship, "yes" is clearly a magic word with impressive power. 
With "yes," marriages succeed. Without it, marriages fail. It is about saying Yes to Love and to the sacredness of being witness of someone’s evolution and the support that is healing in a relationship.
A primitive but very powerful part of our brain perceives rejection as a threat to our very survival. "No" hurts like nothing else. We tend to take that very personal.
In this exclusive, safe retreat you will learn how to transform any conflict into growth, gain insights on yourself and know how to make rejection a healing experience.
A "yes," on the other hand, is the exact opposite of rejection. It's a sign of acceptance, of understanding, and of positivity. Our brains love hearing it.
We crave Hell Yeses! deeply.
Don't be afraid to be the one who says yes first. Saying yes at the beginning of an interaction eases tension, creates rapport, and opens minds.
"No" is expensive.
Some social psychologists claim that it takes up to seven positive deposits into someone's emotional bank account to balance out just one negative withdrawal.

Sir Richard Branson says, "Life is a helluva lot more fun if you say yes rather than no."

Yes, is a way of demonstrating you love and respect your partner.
One of the highlights is to heal all the rejections we have received in our lifetime that is still having effect on us and relationships.
Both Joy & Roy came into the relationship with the following:

1.    Deep emotional traumas based on the feeling of rejection from previous partners.
2.    Deep passive aggressiveness that would explode in arguments and anger that had accumulated over a lifetime, which comes out most when you truly love someone.
3.    Having no idea how to show their love in a way that the other could receive, they had to learn how to speak each other’s love language.
4.    Baggage coming from ancestors, culture, upbringing, past lives and traumas had to be cleared before they could find that unique connection they enjoy today.
5.    Role models of dominant fathers who were not loyal to their partners; mothers, who were submissive and did not stand up for themselves plus the lack of deep bonding intimacy.
 As if that was not enough: both had been dumped by their partners for someone else.

They had a lot in common and also there many differences, some based on the gender roles that needed to be changed to a new model; others based on the different cultural backgrounds they came from.

The Big Transformation

The most important techniques you will learn are:
How to bring yourself to a neutral and peaceful state of mind
How to break free from the trap of taking things personally (you will learn how this has nothing to do with you!)
How to use simple acupressure techniques to transform emotions and heal old traumas effortlessly.
How to clean lots of old stuff that is now sabotaging your relationship. Every day we will do powerful clearings on different themes.
How to help each other clear traumas and change past decisions that no longer serve you.
How to use the power of intention to change your destiny and reprogram your brain for new behavior.
To own and express your sexual desires in a safe container and deal with the issues around that.
Remove blocks on intimacy and bonding at a heart’s level
At the end of our time together, you get the opportunity to renew your vows and set agreements for your relationship. 
This is the beginning of new journey together.

"Joy, you're a magician! Thank you for helping us fall in love with each other again!" 
- Sylvia & Helmut
Will Smith married to Jada Pinkett Smith (both famous movie stars), said in an interview:

"We don't even say we're married anymore, we refer to ourselves as life partners, we are in that space where you realize you are literally with somebody for the rest of your life. There are no deal breakers, there's nothing she could do — ever, that would break our relationship. She has my support till death, and it feels so good to get to that space."

​​​​​​​Joy and Roy have the same commitment to each other!
How would it feel to be in that place of friendship and love, where your intention is everything?
Our Sacred Promise to You
We will teach you all the secrets and techniques we’re using to make our partnership flourish and grow. It’s what we do to deepen our love time after time and how we turn each conflict or argument into a healing experience that makes us grow stronger in all ways: spiritually, personally and emotionally.
Is this for you?
This is mainly for couples (straight and all colors of the rainbow welcome). But it is also suitable for someone who is recovering from a relationship or is in-between relationships. Anyone who wants to become a better partner and use their partnership as a University of Growth and Spiritual Evolution will benefit from this profound experience.
When & Where?
Full Retreat Dates are 14 to 20 February. or Join Us for the Weekend, 16 & 17 February.
Location: Our Sanctuary in Asheville, North Carolina
The Investment Into Igniting Your Relationship
Investment includes the workshop with all course materials at our Barn at the Sanctuary; all organic, wholesome food and drinks during the workshop (2 coffee/tea breaks, snacks and lunch plus one evening dinner are included); not included are travel and accommodation.
Can't Join Us for The Entire Week?
We've got you!
​​​​​​​Come for a mini weekend retreat. February 16 & 17.
This day will be all about clearing and manifesting. We'll start the day with yoga and meditation before we get into the day's training to cut karmic links, release old, negative energy and re-pattern a new way of be-ing.  We'll end the day with a manifestation ceremony and visioning activity.
Sunday will be a day centered around communication. We will learn and practice compassionate communication techniques, love languages and more. Weather permitting, this will also be our hike day into which we will also be incorporating communication. Plan for plenty of learning AND fun!

Oceans of Love!

Joy & Roy
